
Prototheca-ID is an open-source, online toolbox for the identification of Prototheca species, based on molecular markers.

Prototheca-ID allows for a fast and reliable identification using the cytochrome b (CYTB) gene partial sequences and the D1/D2 region of the large subunit (LSU) of the rRNA gene sequences. The accuracy of identification is supported by a carefully curated and regularly updated database with 172 validated, high-quality sequences of 87 Prototheca strains, representing all currently known species, including their type (T) strains.

The database also contains some basic information on Prototheca strains, including the isolation source, country of isolation, and collection date. In addition, links to original papers, in which the strains were described or used, are provided.

All sequences, and supplementary information, are easily filtered and extracted from the database, and can be freely used for scientific research and educational purposes.

Should you have any questions or would you like to start a collaboration, feel free to contact us.


Start identification

Deposit your sequence

We encourage users to deposit their sequences in our database, along with selected details on the strains, so that the database can expand, increasing the accuracy of sequence matching and thus successful identification. This will also enable investigators a more powerful exploration and analysis of the datasets.

The reliability of the identification is supported by a careful technical validation of the sequence(s) deposited. All other data are checked for their compliance with the defined classifiers. If needed, strain-related information provided are verified through a direct contact with the submitter (depositor).

Technical overview


Cite Us

Users are requested to cite:

Mikołaj Dziurzyński, Przemyslaw Decewicz, Mateusz Iskra, Zofia Bakuła, Tomasz Jagielski, Prototheca-ID: a web-based application for molecular identification of Prototheca species, Database, Volume 2021, Issue 2021, 2021, baab073, https://doi.org/10.1093/database/baab073

in all publications and communications that benefit from this website.